Landing page services

Landing page services

Create and publish landing pages in a few minutes

Create and publish landing pages in a few minutes

Create and publish landing pages in a few minutes

With Acumbamail you can create and publish landing pages to your mailing, SMS or advertisement campaigns in an easy way and a fewminutes.

Create and publish landing pages in a few minutes
A simple and effective landing page editor

A simple and effective landing page editor

With the landing pages editor of Acumbamail you can create responsive landing pages easily without any HTML or CSS knowledge.

Customize our free landing page templates

Customize our free landing page templates

You can create your page from scratch or customize our templates designed by our design team to adapt them to your brand needs.

Publish your landing pages and see stats and reports

Publish your landing pages and see stats and check the results

You can create a draft or publish the page. Once the page is published, you will can check statistics in 'Reports' section.

Landing pages for email marketing campaigns

Landing pages for email marketing campaigns

The best complement for your email marketing campaigns it is to guide the user to an effective landing page whithcould facilitate the conversion of the campaigns. In our platform you will be able to manage your subscribers, create your campaigns and your landing pages all at once in the easiest way.

Landing pages for SMS campaigns

Landing pages for SMS campaigns

The landing pages created with the Acumbamail editor are fully responsive, and guarantees a correct visualization in any mobile device, which is mandatory in an SMS campaign, because your subscribers are going to visit your page in their smartphones.

Landing pages for Ad campaigns

Landing pages for Ad campaigns

Besides email or SMS campaigns, you also can use your landing page for your google ads, social ads or display campaigns. You will can config the UTM labels in order to monitorize the campaign with Analytics.

Landing pages for SEO

Landing pages for SEO

Besides your landing page is created for an specific campaign, it will remain published as long as you want. This means, you can generate content which eventually could rank in search engines in targeted keywords.

Google Reviews

4.7/5 stars


4.6/5 stars


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4.8/5 stars

Test our editor

Design responsive landing pages in a few minutes, with our “drag & drop” editor.

Improve your results

Free responsive and customizable landing page templates

Use our landing-page editor to edit and customise templates, and to create great landing pages for your campaigns in just a few minutes. Click on any template image to start editing

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