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JSON sendSMS ( string auth_token, JSON messages )
Send one or more SMS messages to mobile phones with one call.
string getCreditsSMS ( string auth_token )
Returns remaining SMS credits. (The request limit for this function is 10 requests each minute)
list getSMSSubscriberReport ( string auth_token, integer sms_campaign_id )
Displays the list of all the subscribers who have received a certain SMS campaign. (The request limit for this function is 10 requests each minute)
list getSMSQuickSubscriberReport ( string auth_token, date start_date, date end_date )
Displays the list if subscribers who have received quick SMS campaigns between two dates. (The request limit for this function is 10 requests each minute)
json getSMSCampaigns ( string auth_token, date start_date, date end_date )
Retrieve a list of campaigns between two (optional) dates with a brief summary of information regarding each of the campaigns. (The request limit for this function is 10 requests each minute)
json getSMSSimpleReport ( string auth_token, integer sms_id )
Displays information about an already sent SMS.